Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can anyone please help with these matching? 10 pts?

please i am really stressing out. i am looking up the definitions in the book but i could only do a few i could only find some of them that match up, the rest dont. can anyone please help, seriously i am getting really frustrated. i will give 10 pts to anyone who can. thanks in advance and god bless :/

1. Funds cannot be removed from this savings account until the end of a certain period of time

2. The largest source of income for banks

3. Provide the most services and play the largest role in the economy of all types of lending


4. Requires customers to use a PIN

5. Institutions that give installment loans to consumers

6. A feature of modern banking that allows you to transfer, deposit and withdraw money 24 hours a day

7. Type of bank which originally introduced NOW accounts

Here are the choices:

C. Automated Teller Machine

D. Debit Card

E. Commercial Banks

F. Savings Banks

G. Federal Reserve System

H. Credit Cards

I. Default

J. Stored Value Cards

L. Money Market Mutual Funds

M. Finance Companies

N. Interest

O. Certificate of Deposit

if anyone can help you'd be a life saver, i'll be truly appreciative and happy to give 10 points. thanks in advance :)|||1. There is a mistake here. #3 is supposed to go with E, but it is wrong.鈥?/a>

2. You haven't told us what your answers are. You say you want help, but it looks like you want us to do it all.

3. I suggest you look up all the terms you don't already understand in Wikipedia. Ditto for "NOW accounts" in question 7.

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